Projected Expenses for Buyers

Projected Expenses for Buyers

  • The Carin Whybrew Project
  • 08/18/22


Projected Expenses for Buyers​

  • Good Faith Deposit - $500 Minimum, and or typically 1% of the home's sale price made payable to the title company. The name of the title company will be provided at the time of writing an offer.
  • Property Inspection - $300+, payable at the time of inspection. Inspections are optional but highly recommended. Cost varies depending on the inspector you choose and the scope of the inspection. Various types of inspections are broken down in the following bullet points.
  • Well and Septic Inspection (if needed/required) - $450-$475, payable at the time of inspection. Generally, this is an optional inspection as well but some counties have a mandatory Point of Sale, which means the Seller needs to provide these acceptance tests. We will discuss with you if this applies to your situation.
  • Pest inspection - $90+, payable at the time of inspection. Optional.
  • Radon Inspection - $95+, payable at the time of inspection. Optional.
  • Homeowners Insurance, $$$(?), payable prior to closing, one year pre-paid policy. Cost depends entirely on the price of the house and the Buyer's personal contents/choices.
  • Attorney Fee - $150-$300. Optional.

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The Carin Whybrew Project is dedicated to helping you find your dream home and assisting with any selling needs you may have. Contact us today to start your home searching journey!

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